Fight Club from Mr. Brightside on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 27th of January.
The director wants to set the scene in the different times of the day.(mis-en-scene) with a voice over, explaining about his job and a story. This creates a plesaent picture to the beginning to the film.
We then see a man get into a car and do not see his face. A tank is put into the front of the car and this few second close up makes the veiwer ask "why does the criminal have that?" They drive off and the gap before them as they drive along the long deserted road represents a journey or a path.
We then are brought to the prison and the sheriff on the phone says "i have it all under control" in the background we see the blurred arested brings his hands to his front and walk quiestly towards the sheriff.
We agreed that this would be a good cut off point because it creates a moment of susppense. However, the director decided to continue with a scene of violencee. At this point, we see the convicts face up close. When we see him draw blood from the sheriffs neck, the close up shows he gets some sort of fasination with it. The character does not look directly into the camera. This shows a sense of distance and distuirbance.
It's a beautiful opening. This film opening really makes the audience ask quesitons.
Who is the man?What has he done? What does he have to do with the Narrator?
Next we see them shoot down a women with a baby. We watch through their eyes creating suspense. We then see them hit a lorry, the phone fly out their hands to see them both just lying there. For anyone clever enough, they'd say "young boys in no control die" is the plot to the film. However, the clever way to which this is filmed, the brain doesn't allow its self to think that.
This simple opening has created a path to expand the 5 elements that make a good Thriller.
The 180 degree rule is a rule used in filming. Two characters being filmed should always have the same left/right relationship. The Camera creates a line between the two and stays on the one side. Crossing this line makes the conversation look messy and more importantly confuses the veiwer.